A Message From the chairman
Welcome to the We Care Charity Golf Challenge website. We are celebrating our 10th anniversary in 2023. Since our inception in 2014, we have raised over $117,000. That’s 477 days at fully accessible Easter Seals camps across Canada for kids with disabilities!
A special thanks must go to all sponsors, donors and volunteers who support this event year after year.
Due to the overwhelming success of the golf e-vouchers in the past, we will again be selling Cardinal Golf Club e-vouchers online for $100.00 per round of golf on the East and West courses. They are valid anytime Monday to Friday and after 12:00 pm on weekends and holidays. Each round purchased includes power cart, taxes and a donation to We Care. Purchase your E-Vouchers by July 1st and you will be entered into the draw for a foursome on Cardinal’s East Wing.
Thanks for your continued support of the We Care Charity Golf Challenge and We Care kids. We hope you can make it to Cardinal Golf Club in 2023!
Brent Morning
We Care Charity Golf Challenge
Buy a Cardinal E-Voucher
Since 1983, We Care supporters have raised more than $25,000,000 which has provided more than 96,000 days at camp for kids with disabilities across Canada.